We can’t forget Portugal or Greece or Germany or Austria! In our final installment of this series, we’ll taste our way through some of the very best of the rest. There is a lot more to European wine than just the “Big Three”. The fourth and final in our vacation tasting tour. Tickets are $10 […]
Join us as we welcome Nicoletta Pala from the Audarya Winery located on the Mediterranean Island of Sardegna. Taste local classic varietal Cannonau and Vermentino - as well as some rare indigenous varietals Nuragus and Monica. Tasting is complimentary from 5-7pm.
Summer is the time to start drinking pink! Rosé wines can range from the lightly sweet and fruity to full-flavored with lots of structure. You might be surprised how many of your favorite foods pairs well with these seasonal gems. Tickets are $10 with $10 credit towards tasted wines.
Test out your tasting skills at our annual Judgement of Paris Blind Tasting. We will taste a new world wine and an old world wine of the same varietal. You will be the judge! Tickets $10 with $10 credit towards tasted wines.
Join Todd for an in depth exploration of his favorite hidden gems of Napa Valley. You never know what northern California mysterious wines are out there to be discovered! Tickets are $39.
Explore offerings from some of the world’s most up-and-coming viticultural regions: Chile and Argentina. Combined, these two countries account for the largest share of wine imported into the U.S. Known for high-quality bargain wines, they also produce some truly classic and age-worthy offerings.
A budget-friendly and versatile wine meant to be drunk outside on a beautiful day in the company of friends and family. Grape variety or country of origin of a Porch Pounder is immaterial. The quality of a Porch Pounder is judged on two factors: a) drinkability and b) value. If anything, ageability or complexity are […]
We are super excited to start our matinee and wine tasting back up! We will be featuring musical romantic comedy Mama Mia with a Mediterranean wine tasting and Greek inspired snacks. Tickets are $10 with a $10 credit toward featured wines.